Paint the sky pink...and blue, and orange, and yellow....
Kingston, Norfolk Island
The sky turned it all on yesterday evening. It was quite a show, subtle, inky and beautiful, with blushes of pink, and touches of yellow, and soft reflections in the low tide.
Kingston Pier, Norfolk Island
Gantry, Kingston Pier Sunset, Norfolk Island
It is providing plenty of inspiration for I just need the time to get back in the studio. Unfortunately, with the end of my 3 year olds naps, my 2hours a day of painting has I now need another solution, hence the increase in photographs, and the decrease in painting on Strongsoutherly. I'm still slowly getting half an hour in here and there, but it isn't the same as that decent regular time.
In the meantime...I will keep taking photos of this beautiful place I have the fortune to live in.