Photographing Wearable Arts on Norfolk

I spontaneously decided to go to the Wearable Arts Show here on Norfolk Island the other night....turned out to be a great night and I'm really glad I went.
The atmosphere in the hall was great, with some really funny, and cute moments. Some of the models (in the very junior agegroup) returned for multiple oncores, crowd visits and hugs and kisses with relatives on the way, to uproarious support from the crowd (if that's a word), particularly young goldilocks who just coming back for more.
Coffeebag goddess (dress made from recycled coffee bags)
I've never been to a wearable arts show before, but as far as I can see the quality was pretty great. There are clearly some talented people on this island.
Stupidly (something I do too often)...I didn't take my spare memory card, or clear enough space on the one I had....and suddenly I found myself, frustratingly editing photos as I went to make space for more. As a result I didn't get photos that I was happy with of all the entrants, and I certainly didn't get some of the closeups I would have liked. So the photos here are far from perfect, but they will certainly give you a feel for the fun night it turned out to be.
Lesson learnt...I'm getting a stack of spare cards, a new expansion drive, and plan to be MUCH more disciplined about my archival process when it comes to originals.
It's all a learning game, and experimenting with/without flash, no tripod, lens size is all part of it. I've started shooting in RAW as well, which just chews up so much more memory on the card...argghhh.
Tomorrow morning I hope to get down and take some photos of the outrigger event on the Island...there is alway SO MUCH going on around here. It feels like the silly season just keeps on going.