It's all blossoms around here
Blossom, available at Society6
It's been a red letter day for me. See that link over on the right there?? That's a link to my new Art Finder shop. I got accepted to open a shop on Artfinder and uploaded 10 of my pieces today. On the same day they featured on of my drawings on their Ártfinder latest twitter feed.
Also today, the above print got featured on the Society 6 shop.
In other news the weather is just stunning all of a sudden, spring has well and truly sprung, there are daffodils and jonquils and blossoms out and about and I'm one happy chappy. Painting plenty, sketching lots at my weekly art group, and slowly finishing that back log of paintings ....I did an audit the other day and realised I have done 40 odd paintings since I came to the island, but that only 20 are actually finished, and the rest are in the 90% finished stage....
I guess I have some unfinished business hey!!
Anyhoo, sorry I haven't had anything more serious to say lately, my head has been purposefully in art, avoiding the politics around me. I've had my head in a fairly hard core university project, and just haven't had the head space to deal with other seriousness. When one half of your creative brain is focussed on art produced in the gaza strip for an exhibition (for uni), the other half has to stay in the flowers...for my own sanity.
Also for my sanity I must listen to this yawning and head off to bed.
Nighty night folks. Have a lovely weekend.