#What's on my desk : Paintings paintings paintings, and a 30 day challenge
I bought some new acrylic paints before I left (I now wish I had bought more...I am missing red and black...what was I thinking?????) and have started using them for the first time. It has been a long time since I have used proper artists paints having used house paint for a long time and my what a difference! So much easier to work with. It's hard to explain the difference, but for starters the paint goes much further, the colour has more depth, and the consistency is just...smoother, less pulpy or something, and it blends better. I have started four small canvases with them all going at once, so I'm kind of failing at the painting a day movement that many artists I follow seem to have taken up. It seems like a great way to improve what you are doing and build an audience. Carol Marine even has a book on the topic, which I am tempted to buy. That said...It seems like I have always had many projects on the go at once, and I doubt that will change - maybe because my attention span is questionable.
Paintings in progress
So, the compromise, is not that I will do a painting a day, but that I will paint smaller paintings and commit to painting everyday. Theoretically that should have the same affect of me improving what I do right?? Either way, suddenly painting everyday has become an addiction anyway. So much so that I signed up for a 30 day painting challenge...paint a painting everyday for 30 days...we shall see what comes of it.
Tweed Valley view - in progress